Liliane Murenzi, senior watch and jewelry designer at BA1110D, is one of the many women starting to stand out in the world of jewelry and watchmaking today. How did she forge her path? Here are some answers.

Tell us about your previous experience in the world of watchmaking and jewelry. How was your taste for design born? I started my career as an intern in a watch office. There I developed the sense of detail that I had discovered during my training as a jeweler. I worked in several design offices for 16 years, which allowed me to diversify! From different industries I have cultivated my love for detail, which makes a piece evoke emotion.

How did you discover the world of watch design? Is there a background of passion for watchmaking? I have always loved watches because I studied in the cradle of watchmaking: the canton of Neuchatel!

by Alessandra Huergo, Intemporelle


Original language: Spanish


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